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1:1 Labour Support

Why a Doula?

A doula is an experienced birth guide that emotionally, physically, and spiritually supports the birthing woman and her partner. A doula remains with a mother throughout her labour to give continuous care and support. A doula helps with changing positions, offering physical touch, massage and pressure point, hip squeezes, offering food and drink, emotional reinforcement, positive affirmations and promoting rest and relaxation.


When the mother has continuous support in labour she feels safe, seen, heard and held. A Doula's role is to build and support an environment that is conducive with oxytocin production. Doula's make effort to minimise feelings of stress, fear, and pain. Research finds that continuous emotional support during labour is crucial for a safe and positive birth experience. 


Continuous Labour Support:

• Increases spontaneous vaginal births 

• Slightly shorter duration of labour 

• Decreases rate of caesarean surgeries and instrumental vaginal births 

• Decreases the use of epidurals and other pain medications 

• Increases mother satisfaction with their birth experience

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